Kit contains: 3x ML 1L + Spray gun
DINITROL ML was developed for use in closed cavities such as doors, frame parts and external hinges and gaps. The product can be used as corrosion protection for used cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles.BenefitsBrownExtremely PenetratingStops ongoing corrosionWater displacingOily, flexible filmWet in wet with bitumen vehicle Underbody coatingApplicationDINITROL ML is designed for application into closed cavities such as doors, frame members and exterior joints and crevices. The product can be used for rust-proofing of second-hand cars, trucks, buses and other vehicles. Application temperature should be between 15 and 30°C.Method of useDINITROL ML is applied by spraying with manual or semi-automatic.DINITROL application equipment, and is suitable for either air-mixed or airless spraying.Pre-treatment SubstratesDINITROL ML is possible to apply on mois and corroded surfaces. For the best result, loose corrosion shall be removed before application.Over-Coating / 2-Layer-ApplicationDINITROL ML can be over-applied with any of the DINITROL bitumen underbody coatings. For additional information, please consult DINOL GmbH.StorageThe product shall be stored at 15 ? 30°C and the shelf life is then 2 years in unopened original packages.Technical DataColour brownType of film oily, greasyDensity at 23°C 860 kg/m³Viscosity at 23°C, (DIN 2) 60 secondsDry matter content 46% by weightFlash point 40°CAromatic content in solvent < 1 %Recommendes film thickness 10 ?mRecommended film thickness wet 30 ?mDrying time 1 hourHeat resistance 80°CLow temperature adhesion < - 40°CSalt spray test > 96 hoursPenetration in 50 ?m wide gap > 70 mmEffect on car paint noneRemovability White SpiritAvailable in 1 L Miniservice / 5L Pail / 20 L Pail60 L Drum / 208 L Drum / Container
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